Friday, January 11, 2008

Baby to the Dino Family

yup a baby girl was born on the 1st of Jan 2008, abt 9 hrs too late to be the 1st baby of the yr, but she's already early! EDD was 9th Jan 2008.

it was amazing to see a baby popping out from a mother... i mean 2 lives from 1 leh.. the bump that was in mummy which was growing from juz a "peanut" on the ultrasound scan to something which kicks... from a bump that wriggles when mummy is eating to a crying baby in the delivery ward.. i mean yes ppl know wad happen in reproduction and birth... but being there for the whole pregnancy makes me appreciates it more... a baby can be concieved juz like that!! cool!

yes the labour pain was horrible... ya it's not me who experienced it la... but i know coz yan was taking in deep breath every few min when the contraction comes... she din slp a wink the night b4 she was admitted to the hospital.. she was screaming when the contractions were strong enough to push the baby out.. (i can do nth but offer my arm for her to hold..) shortly after, the screams of the mum was replaced by the cries of a baby in the delivery ward... it's a girl!! (actually we've long known the gender la)

Baby Janielle is well and healthy.. pink and chubby... and looks a whole lot like dad...


Anonymous said...

She is so, so, so CUTE!

I want to see more pictures!


JuzRiDe said...

eh u damn fast leh... i juz posted it a few min ago!!

JuzRiDe said...

oh btw... pictures at

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute and adorable... love, aunty Ros

Anonymous said...

sorry couldn't resist. must share it with Ros.



JuzRiDe said...

hehs... no problem.. blog's for sharing de mah... cute hor? muz see look like who mah....

Anonymous said...

congrats ah!!!!!!
huat ar~!

Anonymous said...

Everyone says she looks a bit like you, but overall (thankfully too =0P) she looks like YB!