another milestone!
can't resist posting this...
Went mcdonald's for breakfast on sunday morning with yan and jan... ordered the usual... big breakfast and sausage muffin with egg... we realised that jan has been looking at us everytime we were eating, not juz that day... but knowing that she'd nv taken any food b4 (other than her milk), she doesn't really "want to eat"...but juz curious... and babies all like to put things into their mouth to lick/bite.. that inspired us to take this pic... cute eh... heheh... mayb i can sell this to macdonald's...
ytd morning jan did her 1st ever rollover from her back to her front! all by herself!!
she was practicing the day before that... quite e few times, but her head seemed too heavy for her on sunday...
monday morning she surprised us with a complete flip!!
and then she kept flipping and flipping.. and flipping... cant stay lying on her back for more than a few seconds...... she so proud leh!
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