Wednesday, September 24, 2008


it was only 2 evenings ago that we realised, from my mum-in-law, that jan is already capable of sitting up by herself.. she can even manage to stand up by supporting herself on the back of the sofa, or the side of the cot! how ill-informed we are... =\

tuesday 2am, i heard jan making some noise, presumably hungry so i got up to prepare milk for her.. to my surprise i saw her sitting up in her cot can crying! haha... i got yb's attn and she helped jan down and fed her..

630am, jan made some noise again.. but not cries this time.. i opened my eyes and to my horror jan was standing on the side of her cot, holding the railing at her shoulder height and looking at mummy and daddy snoozing! how cute huh.. haha..
i think whenever jan learns a new skill, she's be doing it over and over so much that it almost became autonomous.. like last time when she juz learnt to flip from her back to front, whenever we put her on her back (i.e. during diaper change) she'll flip to her tummy immediately! super difficult to change diapers for her! in some nights, she'll be flipped facing down and crying cause she dun yet know how to flip to her back...
so u can imagine how she's like now in the nights when we can suddenly see her on her fours and balancing with her eyes almost closed.... *shake head*
some pictures taken last nite...

*eeek.. mummy haben bathe..*
yes she's super active now... on her tummy, the fours, then butt... then on her 2's (with support from stool and daddy's thigh).... and that keep repeating... so much that she over-played last night and couldn't slp in the middle of the night...

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