Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
kick scooter
rcv a call from a colleague last nite asking me if i wanna go for a short spin (reads cycling).. i figured that since im not experiencing unbearable pain in my legs and shoulders, some light exercise shld do me good... to improve circulation to accelerate my muscle recovery... im juz itching to ride again la....
was already running a bit late for the appt time so i tried to speed up... as i was along Yishun Ave 1, i passed by this bus stop, and then suddenly i dun feel any resistence in my legs... i din know im THAT good... anyway i stopped and turned back to find my chain on the floor... dammit...
gotta call off the ride and i rolled myself home...
a couple of weeks b4 my bro was riding and the chain broke on him too.... so last nite he asked me...
"eh u kick-scootered home ah?"
Monday, May 21, 2007
im not going to do this again......
went to this race ytd... on a bright, hot sunday morning... woke up at 550am so that i can set off at 6... lugged the bike rack, the bike, my change of gears (shoes, helmet, gloves, shades etc..) walked to my pa's stall where he was setting it up getting ready for business.... i had some things to eat and drink so that i'll haf enough energy for the expedition later on... as i was setting up the rack onto the car, this familiar sensation came in my stomach.... dammit!! im kinda behind my schedule already... gotta rush to the nearest loo.... it's a good thing that yan was with me that morning...
m i getting too long-winded?? ahah.... okok.... let's keep it to the point....
flag off was at 8am.. it looks like a smaller group than the near 300 ppl i saw on the list the day before.. looks like it's going to be kinda competitive... but i din feel the adrenaline rush like i'd expected... i've already carved it in that im juz going to complete it at my comfortable pace... i dun wanna injure myself... externally or internally... i still need my legs to drive me back home later... other than stupid blardy hot weather, the 1st 10km run was finished RELATIVELY comfortably.... though half the time i think im overheating like an overloaded engine... was looking for water points so that i can juz pour water over myself... as i was coming to the end of the 1st 10km, i planned to stopped a distance from the bike point so that i can rest slightly else i'll haf difficulty changing into my biking gears.. damn!! my legs cant stop!! i haven't had this feeling like in 4-5 yrs already!! it's been very long since i did such a longer-distance non-stop run/jog..
i was reeeaally looking fwd to the cycling leg during thr 10km run... it shld be more comfortable to be on a bike that can juz roll on the road... damn this is the longest 40km in my life.... even each lap of 10km were the longest 10km rides i've ever done... in the 1st lap my left calf started to twitch... shit it's coming.... i need to relax.... as i see some cyclists stopping by the side of the road seated down stretching their legs and massaging their muscles.... i told myself i cant stop, if i do, it'll become a full-fetch cramp... gonna be painful and damaging man... then still on the bike, i quickly rub on the part of my calf where i can see the muscle twitch... rub and rub, rub and rub....
then i got hungry... so hungry that my tummy was growling... shit i din prepare any food.. all i had was a bottle of water.. plain water... getting come i din prepare any snickers, banana, or glucose?? and how come i nv bring gatorade?? why did i juz bring water??? hate my stupidity then...
was drinking so much water during the road ride that it became very difficult to finish my fianl 5km of run.... it bacame 5km of walking along the singapore river... i became a tourist...haha... when the stiches finally subsided i tried to jog once again... oh i feel ok!!! was slowly jogging for 5-10m then i feel sth in my right thigh... cramp!!! shit shit.... i need to stop and rub my muscle again.... i was half-squating by the side of the route rubbing... from the corner of my eye i know that there's an usher juz a few metres ahead... i was wondering if she'll come over to offer some help.... i think she was also battling within if she shld help...haha... only when i feel better and stood up properly.... she made some movements towards me... "u ok..?" yaya.... ok then i can stand up mah.... *tsk*
it was a 1-hr walk... haha... i din feel exceptionally tired... juz body aching... legs sore... shoulder stiffness.... took a long while to stretch and cool down after the distance was completed... hehe... yan bought me all kinds of drinks... H2O... Gatorade... that i put aside a bottle of mineral water given to me after the race... it's still at home now.....
oh did i say that this is my 1st completed full-distance ANYTHING??
all the triathlons, adventure races, duathlons that i've joined so far were all either the mini ones or i joined the relay events... so...this is really something which i shld remember for a long time... it's a step for me....
im not going to do this again..... mayb.... some time from now.....
Thursday, May 17, 2007
heavy hearted
guess u might haf heard of the news abt the NIE trainee teacher who died on Mt Ophir when a tree fell on him in the bad weather...
Mt Ophir was one trekking spot which i kinda frequent when i was in yr 2 in NTU... I've experienced some bad weather there there as well.. unable to cont' trek coz of bad weather.. leaking tents, cooking in tents (NOT advisable!).. streams-hopping becoming gushing river-crossings.. im not saying that the weather is always the worst there la... im juz saying that i can almost imagine how was it like...
juz know today that a fellow NTU Odacian of mine was there when it happened... the NIE teachers were trekking there... i was already half-expecting she'll be there...
he's at a better place making sure that all future trekkers will be safe....
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
feeling not as competent...
nah... nth specifically bad happened...
i feel... not really more stupid... juz less smart and short-visioned these days...
perhaps from the comfort with the current status @ work, lifestlye, socially... in life in general...
sometimes it's not good living in too much comfort hor? makes me stagnant.. not moving fwd...
wad m i up to these days...? work wise... nth very much... within jobscope was at a all time low... waiting for some stuffs to arrive from U.Penn... technical difficulties... that's why delay... so we cant start wad we planned... thing not within specific jobscope, been helping ard with other departments.. providing support... tissue collection, animal surgery/preparation.. departmental back-up support... the misc stuffs... bascially quite brainless stuffs.... yah in a way im building up my work profile.. with more knowledge and skills... but i see them as techincal skills... things which i need no planning or follow up.. easy, but impt jobs... but the better side of me thinks that i shld do better things than that...
perhaps all the anime watching is taking it's effect as well....
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
dinner @ Holland Drive
quick post..
met up with some school friends over dinner last nite!
these were the sbs ppl i hanged out mostly with during study time (that is.. other than odac ppl)...
one of them juz came back from permanent work in Beijing so it's a good time to meet up.. plus it was another's bdae juz the day b4... thou we din really celebrate...
Monday, May 07, 2007
Happy Mothers' Day!
brought ma for dinner on sunday.. din wanna do it on the actual weekend coz will be damn crowded and troublesome... we went to this restaurant at Chinatown called "Tian Jing Lou".. ma saw the advert on the papers so wanted to give it a try... food was ok... not bad... mayb i was having high expectations... anyway they were enjoying it! they started without me while i was bz taking photos lor! asked me wanna take photo of the food anot while they juz start!!
the fish is very fresh... flaky and juicy... fried till very crispy!
Friday, May 04, 2007
messy situations
a friend of mine called me last nite, in search of a listening ear. we used to be much closer than now.. though we haven't been keeping in very close contact, we do meet up for an occasional meal sometimes... frankly there're times when i din really wanna be available for her.. dun like the idea of being too depended upon... anyone in distress needs to learn how to get out of their mess by themselves after someone offered a supporting hand... anyway i really cant bring myself to think that if she cant find someone to talk to, tragedy might follow...
it was the second episode of this season... she smsed me a couple of weeks ago while i was away in malacca.. wanting to meet up to talk... apparently she got herself into some sort of trouble... she was into a office colleague.. who's married...
it din started out straight for this outcome, or rather, it was juz a pure complementary filling up for companionship, or juz company-ship... perhaps it was juz her nature... sometimes ppl who are more critical will despise her... that's why at work or outside, she doesn't haf many friends to hang around with... he on the other hand, i supposed, is looking out for someone who he can shower some concern and attention for... the lady at home seems to be rather indifferent after a few years into marriage with kids...
rationally speaking, she shld pull herself out of this mess asap, b4 she gets even deeper into the shit. i know it's easy for me a 3rd party to say this, but asking her to alienate herself at work seems almost impossible. not only for her.. even i cant bring myself to be friendless.. but at least i haf a partner for companion.. she doesn't haf another special someone.. other then this colleague..
it shldn't haf happened, but they got physically intimate... fortunately not to the point of regret (he hasn't got into her pants)... hmm.... but i think even so they're already regreting... from my point of view... i think it's very painstaking for a husband to be unfaithful to his wife and kids... i dunno this family personally so i cant comment very objectively also... it juz seems to me that both adults in this marriage shld be responsible and careful abt their relationship.. to me any relationship, be it marriage, or BGR, or juz friendship... all of them requires attention and some maintenance.. or else u could haf juz drifted apart... from day-to-day work, distractions, lifestyle changes... b4 u know it, the gap might be too big to fix....
i think im becoming a better person every time i offered myself to be confided in... learning from ppl's mistake is better than commiting ur own, then learning from them ya?