yes after 4 yrs im back at Sabah to climb Mt Kinabalu again....
was having dinner a friend the other day.. apparently he climbed the mt b4... when we mentioned "爬到要死".. he said "ya lor!! 真的会爬死人的!!"
so why am i back there again? mainly coz yb haven't been there yet and i dun think we'll actually haf a high chance of going there again bah... this time round juz happened that my colleague and a few of her friends will be going and the rented vehicle can take in 2 more ppl.... so... why not?? juz go lor!!
our van!!
we were there in Sabah for 6 days.. 30th Dec to 4th Jan.. 1st 3 days were spent acclimatising and getting our food supplies and exploring the area for food and juz driving ard... it was nice juz cruising ard and looking enjoying the nice sceneries.... we even counted doen to 2007 with a bottle of red wine!! complimentary fr Donna...
we began our ascend on the 2nd of Jan, round abt 8am.... we took the Mesilau trail which is abt 5 km longer than the other one... though longer, but more scenic and with more variations in the climb... we'll be taking the shorter one down... so i'l explain later in a while....
some pics taken along the Mesilau Trail... very scenic!
this is a very bold squirrel lor... it juz came out searching for food when we were walking pass... cant blame it also la... coz the trail is so over-utilised by human.. they got used to human's intervention le... and the shelter there was so badly littered... but probably also coz of animals ravaging thru the garbage bins la... it din actually come and feed on the bread and biscuit crumps we offered on hand, but snatched and go... i held on tight to take a good picture... hehe...
we managed to catch lunch juz b4 the junction that joins Timpohon trail... cooked instant mee!! i think we're the only ones cooking in this trek... everyone else survives on chocolate and energy bars... from here it's another 3 hours to Laban Rata...
(pic of Laban Rata coming up soon!)
Rested a while (from 7pm till 1am) at Laban rata b4 continuing our trek up to the summit... took a shower... the water damn cold can!! we were already freezing le still gathered all courage we had and fast fwd thru out cold shower!! "Air Panas" had already "habis" by the time we start moving into the showers... cant slp very well leh.... 1stly, it's weird timing to slp... 7pm.... 2ndly, the heater makes the room damn hot to slp in lor.... i need to climb out of bed to switch it off and opened the door to let some cold air in... 3rdly, my body is badly acclimatising.. my heart beats damn fast for every small movement i made... like.. tossing in bed... so having a bit of headache also...
we woke up (got up) at 1am to start our preparation... packing... cooking... etc etc... set off at abt 2am... we were actually one of the 1st few to be on the trail towards summit.. but as usual... we took it at a more relaxing pace... so allowing others to overtake us... this time round it seems like im not as motivated to climb as compared to the last time i came... i feel tired..mentally... felt like juz taking extended rest every time we stopped a while to take a breather... old le?
by the time we reached the summit, it was kinda overcrowded there.. not as good as the last time i was here.. and it was very very cloudy... din really catch the sunrise... but we did see some glimpse of the morning sunshine.... nice.... hehe... actually we were like abt 2m short from the summit... but it's very crowded up there!! and our folks were on the way down le...

at the peak

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