Wednesday, March 17, 2010

evening today

was on course these 3 days, surprisingly, the course ended at 4pm today.. and i got home b4 5! yb and jan were at home today coz jan wasn't feeling well, and so we left jem at my MIL's to quarantine the 2 sisters...

anyway a short run has already been scheduled, i quickly changed and start my run... weather was good, my knee wasn't in the best condition, fortunately after a while, the pain went off... an hr of good run..

yb and jan met me after my run while i was cooling off.. hung ard at the fitness corner for some evening breeze and a dinner at a nearby foodcourt after that..

the rest of the night was juz routines... but hey i enjoyed an eventful weekday evening...

i welcome an early release, any time!!

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